I just realized how long it's been since I've posted!  Time flies when you're busy!

We hav 2 foster puppies in our house right now, who are available for adoption from Underdogs.  They are the cutest little Shih Tzu- Beagle mixes!  (Pictures coming soon - I promise!)  Cade named them Sherman & Perky.  So I have become intimately reacquainted with my mop.  On the bright side, constantly cleaning up after the puppies means my house, in general, is cleaner than normal.  Interesting how that works...

I started the Yoga Strong series classes with Amy last week.  It was a great turnout, and I hope this new challenge will continue to grow.  Last week we started with our root, our foundation.  Without a solid foundation, there can be no strength.  Tomorrow we continue into our core.

There's many sayings about strength: what doesn't kill you makes you stronger; God only gives you what you are strong enough to carry; having the guts to do something; our trials don't build strength but reveal it...
what do you do to find your inner strength? 
9/21/2010 10:39:49 am

"That which does not kill us..."

Well, most of the time I wish God had a little less faith in me!!!

No, that's not entirely true, but you get my meaning.

It's not about inner strength, I think it's about playing the hand you are dealt when folding is just not an option.

You say it at almost every yoga class I make it to, you may not make it to 100, but you can strive for 2.


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