Last week I intended to bring the lesson of "how to receive" into my yoga class.  It's always funny how the universe teaches us the lessons we need to learn...
I prepared my class around the idea that giving and receiving are integral parts of the same whole.  Without a receiver, there is no giving.  And yes, the act of giving and being generous gives its own rewards, feelings of oneness and wellbeing - but you must have someone or something to give to.  For many of us, myself included, we have things we want, but often we don't really think we deserve.  We deny ourselves the things we want, or only accept them if we can give it to ourselves.  As I was preparing my yoga class, I came across this statement:
"I have many friends who have returned gifts, saying the gift didn't support their lifestyle of simplicity, and they don't want to teach their children to be materialistic.  I wonder about the givers of those gifts, and how they feel when they visit and don't see the things which were a token of their love."

Obviously I needed to heed my own lesson.  For over a month now, I've been dealing with a problem in my lower back & hip, a misaligned sacro-iliac (SI) joint.  I've never had back trouble, so of course I ignored it.  By Saturday, I could hardly move.  Only 1 person came to class, and she decided to do other tasks rather than have a private class (??).  Therefore, I took the opportunity to go next door and get adjusted by Dr. Cheryl.

I couldn't move, and was in agonizing pain, the entire weekend. 
I should have sought help sooner.

I needed to receive treatment; more importantly I needed to give myself permission to receive treatment.  Two halves of the same whole.

Continuing that thread, I received a call yesterday from Nikki at Walton County Animal Shelter.  She has a potential adopter for our foster dog Osmirik!  I called the adopter and gave her a message. 
I hope she gives me a call back, and perhaps together we can give Osmirik a wonderful furever home, one which he will be happy to receive.

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