I had originally intended to write about Thanksgiving.  However, the events of yesterday have shifted my awareness, so I have many streams of thought racing through my monkey mind.

First the good: Thanksgiving is only a few days away.  I think most of us take time to count our blessings, express gratitude, and reflect upon what is right in our world more than just one day per year.  Satya is a sanskrit word that means "truthfulness."  Giving thanks is about seeing truth, about speaking truth.  Many of us, myself included, have seen unpleasant changes over the past year.  Financial hardships, health issues, and more.  Satya teaches us to look through the hardships.  Less work and less money allows us to explore what is really important.  Is a nicer car better than spending time with family, or volunteering to help those in need?  Having health problems lets us be thankful when those challenges are overcome, and to give thanks to those people who give support and help us through.

A little good, and a little bad:  Cade and I were out representing the Crestview Kitty Group yesterday morning.  We were at the Shalimar courhouse in response to the case of Joe Bruner, accused (and caught on video) of baiting his dogs to maim and kill cats and rabbits.  These actions are horrible.  The creatures who met a painful, frightening fate deserve justice.  Those people who came out, and who simply honked their horns as they drove by, proves people have compassion for other living beings.

Now for the bad:  Yesterday afternoon I was speaking with Susie of the Animal Protection League when a black and white puppy with a red harness seemed to appear out of nowhere along the curb outside.  It was obvious the baby was injured, as he hobbled and crawled under a car.  As Susie and I tried to coax him out, a man walked over to us as a truck circled and pulled into the driveway.  It turned out the puppy was his - and had fallen out of the back of the pickup.  When the man picked up the puppy, it became obvious he was severely injured.  One back leg and pelvis was broken, and he had suffered internal injuries.  We advised (scolded) the man - and the lady who he was with - to never let an animal ride in the back of a truck.  We also told them the puppy needed immediate medical attention or he would die.  They seemed put off by our "involvement" and drove away.

I truly truly hope the puppy was taken to a vet.

So give thanks, be truthful, and take care of one another.  Namaste
11/10/2010 02:24:30 pm

Silkworm, People will try your death silk to QiYi also endlessly. While there is life there is hope must try hard, For youth good category.


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