I spent yesterday afternoon with my son Connor in front of the Shalimar courthouse with the Crestview Kitty Group.  Kudos to Jason Williams and all the other people who have decided to stop complaining and start acting on behalf of abused animals.

For those of you in the dark, the Crestview Kitty Group was started by Jason Williams in response to the brutal killing of a kitten in Crestview in 2008.  Since then, he and the group have taken on the cause of speaking for the animal victims, and letting our law enforcement and court system know that the people of Okaloosa County will not tolerate a blind eye.

Yesterday was the arraignment of Shawn Vincent Thayer, accused of killing his friend's pit bull named Bugsy by hacking him with a meat cleaver.  You can read up here http://www.nwfdailynews.com/news/dog_15948___article.html/thayer_bugsy.html

Thanks to everyone who has been supporting these causes through education, sponsorship, and more.

You can contact Jason via email [email protected]


Jason Williams
4/22/2009 12:20:28 am

Thanks for the support. your website is awesome!!!


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