Late last night, after watching the DVR of "American Idol,"  we turned on the 10:00 news.  Dan was on his way to the shower.

As I sat on the sofa, watching the local news broadcast, I thought I heard a sound outside.  It's been warm, and most of the windows have been open.  About 20 seconds later, the dogs all went nuts.  Barking feverishly at the front door, and then bolting for the dog door in the sunroom.  I tilted my head, looking out the window, and saw a person standing outside a few yards from the front door.

I snapped on the porch light and opened the door, only as much as the door chain would allow.  A man was standing outside, his eyes as big as saucers and blood drained from his face.  "The dogs aren't coming out are they?" he begged.

Turned out this man was (supposedly) a new neighbor, new to Florida, who had locked himself out of his house.  First he asked to use the phone (which I conceded), and then he asked for money for the locksmith (which I declined).  But as we stood outside, the sound of the dogs barking and racing around the back of the house  definitely gave him pause.  I just don't think he was that good of an actor - he seemed really scared!

As I went back inside, I made a big deal to tell the dogs how good they were!

Dan and I talked for a minute.  He'd been standing in the living room, and heard the whole conversation that occurred outside the front door.  He observed "most people are going to be afraid of crazy dogs barking."  To which I added, "Except real dog-people.  They wouldn't be afraid."

Dan's observation continued.  "Most real dog-people are good people, and not looking to break into houses anyway."  Well put, hubby!
4/22/2011 12:23:33 am

good dogs!!!


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