I've been thinking in geometry.

I've been feeling rather round these days.  I'm circling back, starting over, in the baby department.

It struck me recently during a yoga practice.  In my day job, my thinking and planning is very linear.  Square boxes, straight lines.  But in yoga, even as we are creating openness our energy moves in circles and spirals.  Very, very few things in the natural world are straight.

School starts next week.  Even though it's "starting over," Cade, and so many other young minds, is starting fresh in a new grade.  Learning new things.  More like a spiral staircase than a flat circle. 

Such will be our lives with Peanut too.  And our recently re-homed foster Cookie Dough.  Starting over, yet starting fresh.  Hopefully as these weeks wind down to welcoming our newest addition, and as we re-acquire all those things we thought we didn't need anymore, I can stay fresh too.
8/19/2011 01:20:15 pm

I'm a tree! I can bend! Tree pose...many branches, many angles, finding balance.


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