Wow.  It's really cool how the universe keeps sending the same message in different envelopes when you need to learn something...

About two weeks ago, my loveing hubby Dan hurt his back, again.  It was over Labor Day weekend, and I was "helping" him carry his old, nasty recliner to the curb.  He slipped out of his flip flops, and misaligned his SI joint.  Couldn't move.  So I did my best to pick up the slack while he recuperated, and Dan saw Dr. Susan Kracht several times.
As luck would have it, just a few days later I over-rolled while cracking MY back in the dead of night, and thanks to all those hormones I mis-aligned MY SI joint.  I got in to see Dr. Susan for an adjustment on Friday. 
Ironically, I'd had a number of ideas and themes for yoga class bouncing in my head.  However, that evening as I prepared for class the next morning, I came to the realization that I needed to plan a class assuming I wouldn't be able to "teach" my class - assuming I couldn't move.  I had to accept my current situation and limitation.  As luck would have it, that Saturday morning I could not move at all without sharp pain.  I had to, yet again, accept my situation and asked the wonderful Amy Likins if she could teach for me.
And in other news, I've been growing exceedingly anxious about Peanut's impending arrival.  My anxiety has been reflected in my(slightly) elevated blood pressure.  I've got a list of things to do stuck on the refrigerator door.  Just looking at the list gets my adrenaline flowing... I've used the analogy that I 'm trying to defuse a bomb, but I have no idea how much time is left before BOOM!!  It doesn't help that my "real" job has gotten quite a bit busier and more hectic (read: more work).  All the while, my energy reserves are getting more depleted each day.
I decided the lesson still fit - and as I reviewed my class plan on Friday for yesterday's yoga practice, I had the mental image of me trying to hold back a wall of sand with my hands.  Holding back the sands of time.  I can't do it.  I've begun to accept, and to become content with that acceptance, time and Peanut will move along regardless of my readiness.  All I can do is what I can do.
To top things off, today I met with fellow members of the Animal Justice Rally Group.  As we discussed our group's future plans, especially the upcoming Dog Daze event on October 15, I yet again had to accept my smaller role this year.  And I think I'm almost okay with that.
So for those who have been wondering (because you haven't been in class, shame!!) here's my current state.  I am 16 days away from "due."  Laugh, wonder in awe, or just look away and recoil in horror.  I accept your reaction!
Baddu Konasana
Adho Muhka Svanasana
Ardha Chandrasana
Tadasana in the sunshine!
9/18/2011 10:20:50 pm

The pictures are so AWESOME!!!! :)


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